A call for civil disobedience in Cheltenham: Extinction Rebellion

After being threatened with a fine from Cheltenham council for posters around town, Extinction Rebellion continue to call out for greater civil disobedience and demonstrations of peaceful protest. 

The activist group got together for the very first time on the 29th of February 2019. 

 Red Kellino, the first speaker for the event set the tone for the rest of the evening by comforting those who came by saying "grief is welcome here", as almost 60 people came together at the Cheltenham Utilitarian Church Hall. The two-part lecture and discussion faced up to the question "heading for extinction and what to do about it?"  

The meeting did not shy away from the concept that human extinction may be a possibility and sooner than we want to accept. Speaker Senan Clifford, Bath Road, Stroud, said “somethings going on, but no one wants to talk about it.” About society’s reluctance to face up to this fact.  
The group are now calling for Senan called “rapid and total action,” in Cheltenham and all over the UK. 

The evening had a heavy focus on the way government and big business play a huge role on current climate by ignoring environmental concerns and pursuing economic profit. Senan Clifford said “scientists are saying its possible… but politicians aren’t listening.” The responsibility now lies in our hands and its our choice now to make enough noise so that we have to be listened to if we want to prevent the fatal consequences of climate change. Now we need are people willing to stand up for they believe in and possibly even face being arrested.   

At this stage it' s clear signing online petitions is not enough. Senan Clifford urges that: “the times now” if we want to make a real change before it's too late.

The next movement wide will be in April. It will be a week-long London based event with extinction rebellion members from all over the UK taking time off work to participate.  
The meeting ended with a final question- will you be able to look at your grandchildren in the eye and say you dd what you could? 


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