Cheltenham Unites Against Sex Trafficking

Churches and charities stand together united all over Cheltenham to take action against sexual exploitation and human trafficking.
Sex trafficking is like a big ugly monster that hides away in dark alleyways out of sight, but where exactly is it lurking in Gloucestershire?
January is sex trafficking awareness month and we rarely think that it is something that effects real people we walk past everyday. Children that play in the same local playgrounds and parks as our children, siblings and family members.
During sex trafficking awareness month how can residents get involved and help? It’s one of those issues that often makes people feel like their hands are tied, we know its a real issue that exists but it seems invisible.
More than 5,000 potential victims of modern slavery and trafficking were identified to UK authorities in 2017, an all time high.
Locally, Cheltenham works on tackling one of its biggest contributors to sex trafficking and human exploitation- Raceweek. This year from the 10th to the 13th of March over 262,637 will flood the streets of Cheltenham for several days of non-stop pints and betting. Followed by nights of heavy partying. Cheltenham gladly caters to this demand. But it leads the town down a slippery slope, buses start circulating advertising ‘eroticats’ and other raceweek specials. But what else could be going on?
Exploitation is likely around every corner.
Local Cheltenham churches and groups have come together to form a Not on Our Turf campaign lead by Trinity Church who say the aim of the campaign is to raise awareness of the issues and show that they stand against any exploitation in Cheltenham.
The group say: ‘ We’re not against having fun, personal choices or racing. We just want to make our voice heard – ‘yes’ to freedom and life for all people; ‘no’ to abuse and oppression in our town!’
Cheltenham’s MP Alex Chalk expressed his support for the campaign by saying: ” Let us rededicate ourselves here in Cheltenham to ridding our community of this evil. And let us preserve and protect the freedoms and values that have defined our society for generations.”


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